Monday, 19 February 2007

River Wye February 2007

Today the group was made up of myself (Angelo), Steve L., Petrina R., Jo E. Good to see Jo out again after a year or two stuck behind a computer studying.

The sun was shining and the river had plenty of water in it - perhaps a bit too much as many of the features were not there.
We put in at Erwood so as to shorten the day and so it was only a half mile or so to the infamous "Hell Hole" rapid/shoot.
Today it was more of a bouncy run rather that a boat goobling stopper or boat crunching slot. Still enjoyable and I managed to get one of the gang to film me.

It was interesting to get back on the Wye, especially this stretch as I have not paddled it for probably 2 years now. I have been doing smaller rivers and so the width of the river was a pleasant surprise - I can see why it is a favourite for canoe training and assessment - plenty of room and no real difficulty. That said Hell Hole can be daughting in levels lower and higher that this.

I have included some video of Hell Hole, strange set of lines down but conditions allowed for some experimentation.

Angelo - Hell Hole

Well done Petrina - Good line, sorry I did not get the full film.

Jo running Hell Hole

Steve running the stopper alongside Hell Hole.